How do you get paid?
For every review you submit, you’ll earn a certain amount, and BookBrowse will send it to you within several business days. There’s not much information regarding the payment system the site uses, so I can’t really tell you exactly what payment methods it offers.

All I know is that they pay a decent amount per review (more about this in the next section) and that you don’t have to reach a threshold to receive your earnings. Now, based on my experience, sites like this will usually use a convenient payment method like PayPal or direct bank transfer to pay their writers.

So, you can expect to receive your earnings conveniently. If you are interested in more sites that use a convenient payment method, I suggest you check out the top sites that pay via direct bank transfer as well.

How much money can you make?
The amount you can earn from BookBrowse will depend on how many reviews you get to write. But as explained earlier, you will normally only get to write one review per month, so it is not something you can reliably earn from.

As for the amount you will earn per review, BookBrowse will usually pay you $60 per review (including the Beyond the Book article), which is quite a good amount, in my opinion. So, even though you won’t be able to frequently earn from it, you can still earn a significant amount because it pays quite well.

This is why I would say its earning potential is quite decent. Just remember that it is not something you can earn regularly from, so make sure to set your expectations properly.

Can you use it on mobile?
The site is mobile-friendly, but due to the nature of the work that needs to be done, then the answer to the question above is NO. You will need to sit in front of a computer to write the book review and Beyond the Book article.

Who can join BookBrowse?
BookBrowse normally only accepts reviewers who live in the US, but they make exemptions sometimes. This happens when they see that you are an excellent writer. However, as mentioned earlier, the assignments will be fewer because you’ll only get to review books with a digital copy, which is quite rare.

how to join bookbrowse
You must submit a sample review when applying as a reviewer.
Earning from BookBrowse, in my opinion, is the easy part. It’s getting accepted as a reviewer that’s tough. As you can see in the photo above, when you apply as a reviewer, you’ll be asked to submit a sample review. This must be at least 300 words long.

Aside from that, if you have a website that can prove the quality of your writing skills, you must also provide the link to it. You also have the option to provide a second sample review, which I recommend you do to increase your chances of getting accepted.

After you submit your application, BookBrowse will review it, and if they deem that you are a good enough reviewer, you will receive a confirmation email from them. The only problem is that they don’t tell you how long it will take to hear back from them.

They only say that they receive quite a lot of applications, so it can take a few days to weeks before you will hear back from them. That’s why if you are looking for a way to earn immediately, this is not a good option.

If you get accepted, you’ll go through the onboarding process where all the details of working as a reviewer will be discussed. Once you are done with that phase, you just have to wait for an assignment from BookBrowse to earn.

Can you get support?
There’s not much information about working as a reviewer on BookBrowse’s website. Apart from the basic information, you won’t find anything else. This also means it doesn’t have a Help or FAQ you can check out.

That’s why if you have any questions about the site or your account, you must contact their support department instead. To do so, you can click the Contact Us link at the bottom of the website and fill out the form.

Overall, I would say it does provide the minimum required support to its users since it offers a convenient way for you to ask for help. However, I do wish they would at least provide a FAQ or Help section that discusses the ins and outs of working as a reviewer to minimize the instances of having to contact support.

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